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Chez Ko Pe  Apr 27, 2016 • 9:35:22am

Good, she’s already reaching out to them. The Anybody-But-Clinton crowd will just dig in their heels, of course, but not every Bernie supporter is an ABC buffoon.

Meanwhile, fresh from his “we’ll see” douchebaggery, St. Bernie of the Birdie (I) has declared that he will make little/no effort to unite the party if when he loses the nomination ever.

This might actually help drive people to Clinton. Wouldn’t that be hilarious?

Thanos  Apr 27, 2016 • 10:07:20am

Some of the tweets you see in Bernie or bust appear to be an anonymous trolling effort, a RW trolling effort, or parody accounts, e.g. One account there claims to be trans, but retweets Milos misogyny guy, other RW’ers, and wants to boycott Target. They follow that up with a Nixonian dog whistle about how “Hillary’s inner-city thugs” stole the election.

cat-tikvah  Apr 27, 2016 • 8:01:42pm

Well, I’ve been a Clinton supporter all along but am on the Sanders mailing list, and this came into my inbox today (I’m in PA; we voted yesterday). Not quite sure what this effort is meant to do but conceding and reconciling doesn’t seem to be on the list just yet. (PA has a closed primary, and I haven’t appreciated the whining about that; it is what it is and what it was and it’s fair to opine that perhaps it should be different but not when you knew that from the beginning.)

Bernie Sanders for President

The people of every state in this country have the right to determine who they want as president and what the agenda of the Democratic Party should be. So we’re in this race until the very last vote is cast.
Even though voters in Pennsylvania have already had their say in this election, we’re still counting on you to help us win some of the remaining states for Bernie.
That’s why members of our national staff are coming to Philadelphia for a “barnstorm” organizing rally. At the barnstorm you’ll hear a special update from the national campaign and learn about what we can do to win more delegates for Bernie. You’ll also get the chance to meet other Bernie supporters and have lots of fun!
Can we count on you to be there?
Philadelphia Barnstorm Organizing Rally for Bernie:
Monday, May 9ᵗʰ in Philadelphia

This event welcomes anyone who wants to be involved - no previous organizing experience required!
Thank you for playing a crucial role in this movement. We hope you will join us in continuing the fight.
In solidarity,
Team Bernie

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